
Cheaper Alternative to Energy Gels

If you’ve ever bonked or on the verge of bonking, quick energy might be the thing that saves you. For the most part mountain bikers will carry energy gels like Gu or the like. They work really well because they contain sugar that your body needs. The problem with these energy gels is that they can be pretty spendy. One gel pack can be as much as $2.00 and eventually that money cuts into your beer money. So here’s an alternative that saves you some money, gives you energy and it tastes great. Take some Nutella, a tablespoon and a zip lock bag. This 26.5oz jar costs about $6 at any grocery store. nutella mountain biking Next step is to scoop in one or two tablespoons into the bag. Gu packets have about 2tbsp of…Gu in it, so we figure we’ll do the same. There’s a trick to getting that gooey goodness in. When you scoop it, turn the bag inside out, use your fingers to get the Nutella onto the bag. nutella mountain bike Once you get all of it in, close the bag and try your best to move the Nutella into one corner. This makes it easier to consume while you’re on the trail. To eat the Nutella, all you do is tear off the corner and squeeze the contents into your mouth…enjoy the chocolaty yummyness, drink some water and then get back on the bike!photo 3 (1) You take this bag with you the next time you ride. Keep it in your hydration bag or jersey pocket and bust it out during your rest breaks. So before you start judging how effective Nutella is Vs. Gu, let’s look at some facts. 2 tbsp serving of Nutella is 200 calories, (100 cal if you do 1 tbsp) first ingredient is sugar. 1 packet of Gu Chocolate, 100 calories, first ingredient is Maltodextrin…

The idea of this DIY is to get you some quick energy for very little cost. You figure the cost of Nutella is roughly $6.00. For the same price you could get about 3 packets of Gu. That jar of Nutella can yield you about 51-1tbsp servings, which by now you should be able to see the financial benefits. Another benefit to this method is taste. I’m mean, c’mon! It’s Nutella for Pete’s sake! This stuff is soooo yummy! Anyhow, I’ve showed you how to package your own energy gel of sorts for a fraction of the cost. If you don’t like this method, Nutella does have individual serving packets that you could buy for about $1.00 a piece, still a savings over energy gels.