Category: Nonsense

Tyte Rack sent over their universal roof top bike rack to us for testing. Here is what Tyte Rack says about their rack: Tyte Rack roof racks incorporate a unique design, that make them the best rack today to carry bicycles on a vehicle roof. In addition, this rack is very versatile and adapts to…

For as long as man has been around, there is one force that no one is immune to. This force is called….”being fat!” RL Policar and Vince Rodarte, both are some of the biggest names in the bike business are going toe to toe in a weight loss challenge like no other! So what’s at…

In almost all of the freeride videos you see out there such as New World Disorder, Roam, Collective and now Seasons…most of those guys are Canadians, eh. Darren Berrecloth….one of the best freeriders in the world…is Canadian! I’m going to take a wild guess why Canadians are better. Well for one they have Whislter Park…

My kids are on spring break and they have an amazing auntie and uncle that wanted to keep them for the week, so who am I to get in the way of some family bonding? Love my kids but it sure has been nice to have so much freedom and quiet!!! =D So today instead…

Every so often we get people that recognize us on the trails or send us emails with kind words that basically says “you guys are great!” Our readers seem to love the fact that we’re regular guys and gal that have a passion for riding and that we still get ooh’d and ahh’d by cycling…

During a ride, nature will call on a few occasions and will let you know if you’ve got to pee or poo…or sometimes both! Usually I’ll jump off my bike and run to the nearest bush and go #1. Now I’m, curious to know, would it be better to go further into the wilderness so…

One of the things I like to do in my shop (garage) is to clean off nasty, dirty, greasy parts. I had looked into getting a solvent tank to put in my garage. But they can cost a pretty penny. They have some home mechanic versions of this that runs about $40-$60…but that’s still out…

It wasn’t too long ago that I learned more about pumping. This is a pretty common practice with BMX guys. Basically when you’re going through rhythm section or roller/bump, you pump or push down on your handle bars and legs on the back side to help you gain some free speed to the next roller.…

RL thought I should share my dream. I woke up this morning because of a knock at my bedroom door. And I had the worst sinking feeling. I don’t always remember my dreams but being that I was in the middle of it, it was very fresh in my mind. I had this dream that…