Month: December 2007

We received the Nirve Night Owl last week. We’ll be testing this bike as a daily commuter and as a single speed rigid bike. Though the Nirve doesn’t recommend that the Night Owl be used as a bike for the single track, I decided to see what kind of fun I could have with it.…

Well we’re one week closer to the new year and one Brews Day further along in the month of December. Today’s beer of choice is from Full Sail Brewery, located in Hood River, Oregon. They’ve only been around since 1987 but have already established a name for themselves. So let’s take a taste of another…

A few weeks back Champion System sent me a few Betty Boop jerseys. Below is the third jersey they sent me. My daughter is sporting the sleeveless jersey because she is waaaay cuter than I am. 🙂 I took this a few weeks back. The backside of the jersey: I was initially very impressed with…

When Randy lived in New Cumberland, PA, it would snow there. So he was smart enough to make his own tire chains so he could go riding in the freezing cold. You can find out how to make that by clicking HERE. He even tested his invention and it works! You can read that HERE.

What is Offseasonitis? Offseasonitis is an annual cyclical disease that once caught affects the patient on a yearly cycle. Although not terminal Offseasonitis can lead to other diseases that will slowly chip away at your health. Offseasonitis, also known as “getting lazy during the holiday seasonâ€?, is not a disease relegated to just mountain bikers.…

Most people do not give a 6 pack of beer enough credit in this world. Just think about it, a 6 pack can get almost anyone to do something for you…for just a few bucks. You can literally ask someone to help you move your whole house for the cost of one 6 pack of…

It’s raining here in Southern California. Usually that means people are going to cause hundreds of accidents. But the bad part about the rain for mountain bikers is the mud. For the most part, people usually stay off the trails when its wet. The general rule of thumb is not to ride until 3 days…

We had a chance to hold this Arantix frame at Interbike. Incredibly light and strong! I think RL even stood on the frame to give it the mtnbikeriders stamp of approval. lol. They will only be producing 200 of these bikes worldwide in 2008 and it takes approx 300 hours to build one of these…