Category: Reviews

TRAIL AWARENESS Have you ever been on your local trails and youā€™re coming around a blind turn and suddenly you have hikers or horseback riders. Both hikers, horseback rider, and you have your eyes bugging out of your heads like Large Marge from ā€œPee Weeā€™s Big Adventureā€. Hopefully yelling doesnā€™t start from the hikers, horse…

This past year I’ve gotten into whiskey. In fact for my 40th birthday I hosted a Cigar and Whiskey Social at a nearby cigar lounge. I don’t drink much, but when I want to relax I typically will bust out one of my favorite cigars and pour some whiskey in a small glass. I first…

“TRAIL JAMMIN” So, you like to rock out on the trail while you ride your bike with your ear buds in. You like the solitude of not listening to your friend telling you about every piece of flora and fauna as heā€™s riding along, or maybe telling you about his extraordinary bowel movement he had…

I figured I’ll come in and post something here and there about what’s been going on. Well mountain biking is still taking a break from my life. But smoking cigars and drinking whiskey hasn’t. If anything I wanted to talk to you about one type of whiskey I had the pleasure of trying out. I…

  What you see here is Compete Energy Bites.Ā These little chews have 40 calories per serving, 2g of fat but most importantly, 135mg of caffeine. I was excited to try this product because I’m a big proponent for caffeine use during exercise. I believe that it helps your performance during your work out. I recently…

I’ve been testing out the No Rinse Shampoo byĀ No RinseĀ Laboratories, Inc. for some time and I figured it the review was long over due. Some background on why this product would be useful for mountain bikers. Well for starters, I don’t want to be stinky when I’m done riding. Plus we often go out to…

We ran into the MORSA Company while out at Sea Otter this year and they were kind enough to give us some product to review. Now Iā€™m a sucker for mounting kits when it comes to letting me put my POV camera, phone, GPS, or lighting systems on my bike in the best way possible.…