“TRAIL JAMMIN” So, you like to rock out on the trail while you ride your bike with your ear buds in. You like the solitude of not listening to your friend telling you about every piece of flora and fauna as he’s riding along, or maybe telling you about his extraordinary bowel movement he had…
Author: Art Aguilar
TRAIL ETIQUETTE, WHY?? Now we have been down this trail before on MtnBikeRiders.com, trail etiquette is important to all users and there are three basic groups you will encounter on any given trail depending where you are at. You have Hikers, Equestrians, and Mountain Bikers. It’s not uncommon that these three groups will bump into…
> Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our readers. Its been a hectic few last months here, but we are still here and will be bringing you lots of new stuff to read, products to review, and places we have gone to. We want to wish you a great holiday and be safe.…
Well its that time of the season again, where the holidays are fast approaching. The days are getting shorter, the trees are changing color, and its getting colder outside. Well maybe not so much in Southern California where we have cool 68 to 75 degree days during fall and winter most of the time. Who…
Hello all you MtnBikeRiders.com folks. We’re glad to see you are still out there and we wish to say sorry if we have not had any new content up in a while. Life has gotten in the way of our busy lives and we apologize for not having any new articles up. We want to…
“ALERT!!” “ALERT!!” This just in!! Dainese USA is going to be having HUGE sale this week starting September 9/8 Thursday and Friday 9/9 11AM -7PM Friday, Saturday 9/10 9AM to 4PM. If your a Downhill racer, shuttle rider, Freerider, into Enduro racing, a hardcore trail rider, heck even a Cross Country rider that want’s to…
A RIDE TO MAKE THE MIND RIGHT It’s been that long work week or a long day of work and the pressures of that boss, your bills, family matters, whatever it may be that’s weighing down on your shoulders to the point that you feel like you will never get that monkey off your back.…
SO YOU WANT A DEAL We all look for that ultimate deal; you know the one that’s too good to be true, hard to pass up, if you don’t get it the next guy will and you know that will just kill you. Yeah you just have to get it, even if you know you…
Just this last week we had one of our own go down hard while at the RedBull Rampage, Paul Basagoitia. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Paul when he became sponsored through Dainese and he is a genuine great guy. Though we don’t typically do any pro race coverage of any sort on MtnBikeRiders.com, I…
ROAMING THE AISLE WAYS OF INTERBIKE When you are at Interbike there is so much to see you just can’t help but look at or try to look at everything. You will see some cool stuff and some stuff that makes you wonder what one was thinking when they came up with it in the…