
A Few Good Men…or women

MtnBikeRiders.com is looking for guest authors to come in and stir things up a bit.

What we’re looking for are a few good men, or chicks to submit their stories, photos and etc. Hold on partner, don’t get too excited. We do have a few prerequisites:

1. Must have a 26″ Personality(Get it, 26″ for your wheel…hehe)
2. Ability to write. If you have an existing blog, even better.
3. Must be a MtnBikeRider.
4. Technical knowledge is a plus but not needed. Basically if you can tell me what certain parts are called, then you’re fine. But if you tell me that you’re exhaust pipe on your mountain bike is leaking oil…then we can’t even consider you…na mean?

So if you’re interested in having your work, videos, stories or photos featured on the site. feel free to hit me up.

As far as pay…well we can’t. The only thing we an offer is fame!

Yup, if you’re a married man, your wife will woo over the fact your work is on a site other than yours.

If you’re a single guy, well did you know chicks dig an athletic guy that knows how to write, its true!

If you’re a girl, guys dig chicks who ride!

Finally, if you’re gay, well guys like guys that ride!

Send me your info HERE.