Category: Interbike 2013

Check out this unique storage device for your bikes. Reminds me of legos. Before… After… Interbike 2013 Coverage Proudly Sponsored by Black Tiger Jerky

NEW PROTECTION COMPANY SEVEN?? I haven’t seen anything new come out to really impress me when it comes to protection, but when I was told about SEVEN iDP at the ROYAL both I had to check it out. I ran into Jason Schippers and he was kind enough to go over the new line. TACTIC…

This has to be one of the prettiest cyclocross bikes we saw at Outdoor Demo. We spoke to the guys at Van Dessel and they told us that this bike can be configured as a cyclocross like the way it appears in the photo or as a flat bar 29er since it can handle wider…

  DIRTDEMO 2113 Well were at the 2013 Interbike DirtDemo and it’s time to show you all the upcoming 2014 gear, bikes, funny stuff, and all things mountain biking or cycling, so lets show you all the cool thing for your Christmas list.         Well more to come, so stay tuned here…

Just a few days ago we posted a photo of the new Redline Bicycles D-800 series full suspension 29er bikes. During the Outdoor Demo we had a chance to speak with the cool folks of Redline and got a chance to learn more about the D-800. Redline D-800 spec’d with Shimano XT They called this…

Feast your eyes on this big wheeled behemoth. What you are seeing is a 36″ wheeled Keener mountain bike. Here I am standing next to it to show you how big this wheel is. Ya I know I’m not that tall, but still…that wheel is huge! Interbike 2013 Coverage Proudly Sponsored by Black Tiger Jerky

At the Outdoor Demo, Jack of and I went over to meet the guys at 9 Zero 7 Bicycles who happen to be based out of Anchorage, Alaska. We tested one of their demo bikes at the Bell Helmets Pump Track. Here’s Jack at one of the berms. Yours truly. Some sexy shots… I…

When we arrived at Bootleg Canyon for the Dirt Demo, we noticed that there were two KHS Bicycles employees who were rolling in 2 new bikes. The one that grabbed our attention was a new Fat Bike that they were possibly going to offer for 2014. We were able to take a shot of the…

Probably not your most common pairing, but those are two things I enjoy, but not necessarily at the same time. But check this out, here’s a little tip that might come in useful if you like to smoke. One problem I had with a batch of cigars I recently purchased was that they were hand-rolled…