Super D Duper Presented by MtnBikeRiders.com
This past Saturday was the inaugural Super D Duper presented by MtnBikeRiders.com. I set up this event to be a low key/underground thing because I didn’t want to make it too big. So that meant it had to be an invitational. If you didn’t receive an invite, its probably because I don’t have your email.
On race day, we had about 5 participants (including me), 2 photographers, 2 timers and one videopgrapher.
One at a time, we were released from the gate.
At the end, results were in, 1st-Corey Pond, 2nd- Dan Burdett, 3rd-RL Policar
I forgot to mention, we all had to pay a $10 entry fee. But that money goes into a pot in which the 1st place winner gets it all! That meant Corey earned himself a sweet $50! Oh yeah, we also had product raffles! Everyone had such a great time, that I am planning on hosting another event in the spring.
I’d like to thank everyone that came out as well as the folks who helped; Tim Shears, Moe Ramirez, Gabe Preda, Ryan Killakey (pics in the video), and Priscilla Policar.
Check out the video!
The Inaugural Super D Duper Presented by MtnBikeRiders.com from Priscilla Policar on Vimeo.
Very COOL!!!
Very cool. Put me on the list for the next one. 🙂 Also, it seems that the videos you guys put up pause every few seconds for me. I’m on a very fast computer with a very fast connection.
Just in case it’s my computer, I’ve checked out other videos on Vimeo, and they all run butter smooth.
Will do. As far as the video. It could be the service I used, Vimeo that’s pausing. Try the Youtube version.