Results for "sette"

When you take a husky rider like me and do something like this… With a seat like this…the Sette Strike DH Saddle… Then I don’t quite land the right way… You’ll end up with a seat like this… When I landed, I went one way, the bike went the other. Luckily, I hit my thigh…not…

Product Tested: Sette Sierra 2 Hitch Mount Rack MSRP: $200.00 on Sale for $89.98 until April 30th, 2007(USD) Specs: *Fits Most Bikes *Carries up to Two bikes *Individual Wheel Trays *Includes Anti Sway Device Able to carry a wide variety of bikes ranging in size from 20â€Â? to 29â€Â?inches, makes this a very versatile bike…

We found a drawback with the Sette Sierra 2 Bike hitch mount rack, notice on the lower right hand side of the picture how the exhaust is pointing to the wheel of the bike. The exhaust of Jeremy’s Honda Pilot caused the wheel to overheat potentionally damaging the bike. Well, my Nissan Frontier just happens…

Last night I stopped by RL’s place and picked up the new Sette Sierra 2 Bike Hitch Mount Rack sent by pricepoint. Here is pricepoint’s blurb on the rack: Reach your destination with ease Much like its counterpart the Sette Sierra 2 Bike Hitch Mount Rack features all of the same qualities of the Sierra…

I have a pair of these and I love them! Right now its only $25!!!! See! I proudly wear mine. Here’s what they have to say: On Sale Now! Was $34.98 Now $24.98 Good Until 01.31.07 Whether you are riding trails or urban streets, the Sette Rival shoes will look and feel at home on…

We have been experiencing a lot of rain here in Southern California so that has left me with riding indoors as my only choice. I purchased the Zwift Hub over 6 months ago and I really have enjoyed using it for training purposes and to ride on rainy days. If you are not familiar with…

I am back riding on the dirt! but this time I changed things a bit; I’ve been riding gravel bikes. Before I get accused of jumping on the bandwagon, we started riding cyclocross bikes since 2005, that is right son! 15 years ago! I ended up getting rid of the Salsa Journeyman Claris and instead…

  If you love mountaineering, your mountain bike is definitely close to your heart! Isn’t it? Also, you’ve already spent a pretty penny while buying one for yourself. Rather, if you are planning to buy one soon, you can just go to the high-end stores like Argos. However, when you have a mountain bike which…

So you’re out riding, and you put some force down on the pedals and clickity slip! Ugh. You try again, but click…clickity slip! From my experience that usually means my drive train is worn out. If you’re anything like me, I usually look for the best value in parts. I tend to shy away from…

Not sure if you’ve caught on, but we love doing bike projects. In previous years we’d take on extravagant builds where we source parts from various brands. But times have changed and companies are a bit more strict now when it comes to sending out promotional products. So what we’ve devised in our recent projects…