Tag: mountain bike

We just took recent delivery of the Swiss Bike TX. What makes this one unique is the fact it can fold. Basically it eliminates the needs for a roof or hitch rack since you can transport it in your car’s trunk or backseat. Usually when we get bikes delivered, they come in this mondo long…

Last night I spent some time piecing together a 69er bike. I’ve always wanted to try one out but riding one in the parking lot of an LBS doesn’t really count. So for the longest time I’ve wanted to build a 69er project bike. I’m a big skeptic when it comes to the whole 29er…

Final weigh in is next Monday…it’s been a tough but fun contest. So here are the stats this week: RL: Lost 1lb ,total of-14lbs Vince Rodarte: Stayed the same, total off-8lbs As far as the actual dress ride, in which one of us will be wearing the dress, its tentatively scheduled for June 28th, 2008…

Gotta check out the DIYWBC 1.0 (Do It Yourself Wooden Bicycle version 1.0). As a product designer I work with a lot of limitations. The products should not be to experimental, not to conventional, they should be easy to massproduce yet hard to copy, the materials should be rational and low-cost yet have an exclusive…

I finally had a chance to install the Kenda Small Block Eight on the Sette Reken Single Speed. The first thing you need to know is that this tire is WAY faster than my old set of tires, Bontrager Jones XR. Plus they are WAY faster than the Kenda Karmas that Priscilla has on her…

Remember that contest that I posted where I asked people to guess what part of my body this photo was from? Well after getting some entries…all with the wrong answer! Chris Arnold, a loyal reader won! I had promised in the contest that I would give the winner something from my garage. After looking around,…

If you had the money you can easily convert over to a tubeless tire and wheel system with UST wheels and tires or you can use Stan’s. But if you’re p’oh and broke like me, you can do the following for about $10…. *Disclaimer, do this at your own risk.

In the words of Grand Master Flash… (Ooh White Lines) Vision dreams of passion (Blowin’ through my mind) and all the while I think of you (High price) a very strange reaction (For us to unwind) the more I see, the more I do (Something like a phenomenon) Baby! (Tellin your body to come along,…

If you were to walk into my garage you will see dozens and dozens of bicycle tires. I’m rather picky about my tires and I am always trying out new tread patterns, designs, rubber compound and etc. Though that may sound impressive…I really don’t know too much about tires. But I know enough to determine…

This evening when I got home from work, a sweet package was winking at me…it was the Sette Reken Frame! Pricepoint.com shipped it Friday afternoon and I got it today…and it was supposed to be UPS Ground…that’s wicked fast! I was impressed on the care packaging that went on with the frame. It was bubbled…