Category: Humor

So the staff of as well as the racing team has been thinking about nicknames for each of the riders/staffers. Here’s what we’ve come up with so far… RL-Walksie, I like to hike and bike at the same time. Moe-The Moe…isn’t it obvious… Jeremy-Guns(cuz’s he likes putting on a gun show) Joe- Mamma Jamma-cuz…

A few years ago I went on my first ride to Aliso Woods. One of my bestest buddies, Scott Finch (yes Tony Finch’s brother) invited a bunch of us to ride certain parts of Aliso. Below is a picture of Scott and I on a long climb called Mathis…I hate climbing, so that meant this…

Today the some of the world famous MtnBikeRiders Racing Team Riders, headed out to Fontana to test ride the Super D, DH and XC course in order to prepare for next week’s race. First up was the Super D course that was used last week in which Joe Solancho placed 4th in his category. So…

2008 was a great year for Not only did we see some tremendous growth in our web traffic, but we also made some new friends along the way. I asked the Staff to let me know what were some of their favorite events, products and shennanigans of 2008 and here’s a list of the…

What I wore last January on a demo day ride. I was thinking I would write about mountain biking in cold weather… but then I realized I ride in Southern California. I was thinking I would write about having to hang up my bike for the winter… but then I realized I ride in Southern…

One of our favorite people in the world is Jay Hughen of PA. He rides for Evomo and a pretty darn good Trials Rider. Ok people its not TRAILS…its TRIALS. The difference is…well these guys look really cool doing it… So he sends me this video where trials rider Danny Macaskill is doing stuff I’ve…

While we were waiting to do an interview with a company, I started filming us and even translated for Joe since his EngRish isn’t all that swell. Eh…I bet you didn’t know that I was bilingual…just watch the Masta in action.

I was on the Evomo Blog the other day checking out their shenanigans and sure enough, we’ve been upgraded from Bloggers to actual “journalists” according to Evomo. Everyone knows that if Evomo says so, that means its legit man! They also said we’re getting glamorous…getting? Son, I’ve been there twice, and on my way I…

A few days ago I was watching some “REAL” wrestling and noticed that Single Speed Racer, Eric “The Animal” Hunner has a strong resemblance (IMHO) to WWE Wrestler John Cena…here scheck it out. Heck they even have similar style shirts…